Child Nutrition

Why Nutrition Matters, Whatever Age Your Child is!

It's never too late to teach your child about nutrition and its impact on their well-being. If your child is resisting nutritious foods and experiencing mood swings, sleep problems, allergies, colds, or digestive issues, we can provide guidance and support to help them adopt healthier eating habits.

Studies have shown that healthy eating in older children can improve their emotional well-being and social interactions, as the adolescent brain continues to develop until the mid-20s.

Excessive consumption of ultra-processed and sugary foods is a common concern. We can work together to implement strategies for encouraging your child to make healthier food choices.

We can work together to:

  1. Increase their weekly intake of fruits and vegetables, even by incorporating them into dishes discreetly.

  2. Encourage the switch from white pasta and rice to whole grains for complex carbohydrates.

  3. Promote higher protein consumption to support their growth and development.

  4. Include fish and healthy fats, often missing from children's diets, to positively impact their learning, behavior, mood, and sleep.

  5. Introduce lower-sugar snacks and beverages.

As your child matures, we can address your food-related challenges, making family mealtimes more enjoyable with minimal drama. While we value educating children on healthy options, we also understand the importance of not completely banning processed foods from their diet.

If a program is not for you and your child doesnt have any symptoms or health concerns. Why not try my Nourish MOT if you want guidance on what nutritious food to include at mealtimes?

How can My Programs help you

Mealtime challenges can be stressful for parents, especially when dealing with allergies, intolerances, or picky eating habits. You don't have to face these challenges alone; support is available.

As a child nutritional therapist, I understand the difficulties some parents encounter when trying to encourage their children to make healthy food choices. My clinic is a judgment-free zone where I can share strategies to help your child enjoy nutritious foods and equip you with the knowledge and confidence to promote positive eating habits within your family.

While most parents are aware of what they should be feeding their children, my role is to help you find practical ways to include as many nutritious foods as possible.

If your child is displaying signs of picky eating, I can recommend strategies to maximise their nutrient intake, thereby enhancing their immunity, gut health, school performance, emotional well-being, and overall health.

I am a strong advocate of personalised nutritional programs that are easy to follow, especially for busy parents. My passion lies in simplifying the complex world of nutrition by providing you with key facts based on the latest scientific evidence, so you can focus on enjoying family mealtimes.

If you want to ensure your child's diet supports brain development and long-term health, consider enrolling in one of my programs. I can offer you the knowledge and reassurance to make informed food choices, giving your child the best start in life to grow, learn, and thrive.

Child nutrition support to help your children grow, learn and thrive at Nourished Nest

We Cover

Supporting gut health and digestive issues such as constipation and diarrhea

Food phobia or fussy eating

Supporting immune issues 

Skin issues such as eczema

Food allergies or intolerances

Concern about development, mood, behaviour or learning

Vegetarian or Vegan diets for children

Ultra-processed food swaps to improve behaviour and development

Introducing essential nutrients into the diet to support the mind and body