Prenatal Nutrition

Why Nutrition Matters During Pregnany

Pregnancy can be a wonderfully exciting journey, combined with anticipation and preparations for the future family life ahead. Most importantly, it's a period where ensuring the correct nutrition for both the mother and baby is crucial.

From pregnancy, seeds of a baby’s health are sown.

The foundation for a baby's health is laid during pregnancy and continues through the first 1000 days, from pregnancy to their second birthday. This period significantly shapes their future health, including their gut, immune system, and neurodevelopment.

Mum’s diet and her nutrient stores, fuel your baby’s physical and emotional development. The brain experiences rapid growth and relies on essential nutrients to support its development, which can have long-term implications.

Many women face health challenges during pregnancy, such as morning sickness, preterm labor, gestational diabetes, and pre-eclampsia. Some may even undergo challenging, high-intervention births.

It can be a tough time for some mums-to-be, suffering aversions to food, no appetite, sickness and reflux, at times its can be challenging eating a nutritious diet which I recognise and provide support, sharing simple recipe ideas packed with particular nutrients that are key for baby’s development, especially the brain, ready for when you can keep food down. Alongside suitable food supplements during pregnancy, both can contribute to numerous positive outcomes.

Maintaining a healthy gut during pregnancy is essential to reduce the risk of constipation and support the development of a healthy gut and immune system for your baby.

Childrens food preferences can develop in the womb, intriguing evidence suggests that a healthy maternal diet can impact the weaning experience and influence your child's future food preferences. Between weeks 13 to 15 of pregnancy, babies develop taste buds, allowing them to detect strong flavours and odours. When mothers eat the right foods, their children are more likely to develop a preference for bitter and sour flavours, potentially reducing the tendency to favour sweet and salty flavours during weaning.

To find out more you could book one of my Workshop:

‘Nutritional support for the first 1000 day’s of a child’s life, from pregnancy to 2nd birthday’

I am here to support you nutritionally throughout this new adventure. There is a program to suit you!

Pregnancy Nutrition support to help your child grow, learn & thrive  at Nourished Nest

I understand how the abundance of advice can be overwhelming and confusing. Your primary desire during pregnancy is to enjoy it and stay calm.

While you may know the basics of healthy eating, you might be uncertain about the specific nutrients needed for your baby's brain development. Additionally, any pre-existing gut issues, such as bloating or constipation, can be addressed together.

Weaning may seem distant, but there's an opportunity to make it enjoyable and straightforward by taking action now.

I strongly believe that a personalized nutritional program during pregnancy can offer your baby the best possible start in life. It can enhance your health during pregnancy, boost your energy levels, and aid in post-birth recovery.

Enrolling in one of my programs can alleviate stress and uncertainty, offering reassurance and confidence in making the best food choices for your child's journey to Grow, Learn, and Thrive.

We Cover

What you can safely eat during pregnancy

Managing pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, sickness, hormonal changes and low energy

Key foods that nourish your baby, impacting their health and development

The important role of a healthy gut during pregnancy

Prevention of nutritional deficiencies, so you have the key nutrients and energy after birth to thrive as a parent

Gestational diabetes

Vegan & Vegetarian diets

Supplements, if required